Phon Tech completed the year 2023 GHG emissions quantification

Phon Tech has completed the quantification of GHG emissions for the year 2023. We ensure the data collected and recorded are accurate and reliable with our due diligence. Qualified consultants train the staff of Phon Tech and our staff follow the protocol of ISO to conduct the quantification of GHG. The data shows that the direct GHG emission (category 1) was 40.7878 tons CO2e in 2023. Energy indirect GHG emissions (category 2) was 359.2131 tons CO2e and indirect GHG emissions (category 3-6) was 3896.6863 tons CO2e. Overall GHG emissions decreased by 1.81% compared with 2022.

We will keep monitoring GHG emissions and we aim to reduce our GHG emissions by adopting more energy-efficient production processes, waste reduction, less carbon footprint raw materials, and energy-saving machines and devices. Phon Tech is committed to the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) strategic framework. Our ultimate goal is to be a greener and more sustainable company.
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